
Blog: Blog

Choosing The Best Standing Desk For You

If you work on a computer, chances are you sit for most of the day. All of that sitting can be seriously bad for your health: you may be increasing your risk of diabetes, weight gain, and heart disease. But in...
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3 Things to Consider When Choosing Furniture for the Classroom

Choosing furniture for an educational setting can be challenging. There may be fewer options on the market than for residential and corporate environments. Many education providers find it difficult to tell what ...
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12 Mistakes to Avoid at the Office Furniture Store

Quality office furniture is not only an essential component of your business’s workspace but also key to employee productivity. Unfortunately, many businesses tasked with buying office furniture fail to con...
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How to Create Office Privacy with Modern Furniture

Have you heard the news? In 2020, open offices are going out of style. Businesses are realizing their employees need more privacy, leading to a surging interest in office partition panels and other privacy solu...
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Modern Office Trends and How They Affect Your Office Furniture

Like any part of life, the office is constantly changing. As needs change, designers are on the lookout for ways to better meet these changing needs with modern office furniture.  In recent years, you may...
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Top 7 Trends in Healthcare Furniture Design

The healthcare industry and furniture designers are constantly innovating to produce a safer, more comfortable experience for patients. From functionality to aesthetics, healthcare furniture has a surprisingly ...
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The Best Office Chair Material for You

Choosing an office chair can be a surprisingly difficult decision. You want to find an office chair that is long-lasting, easy to clean, ergonomic, attractive, and comfortable but don’t want to spend more...
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How to Find High-quality Used Office Furniture

If you’re buying used office furniture, your top concern after price is likely quality. You know that some used office furniture pieces could last for decades, but you’re not sure which ones. Whenev...
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How to Choose the Best Healthcare Furniture for Your Patients

Finding the right furniture for your healthcare facility is always a challenging task. You can’t choose any old set of chairs when you’re seating patients who may have movement challenges or easily-...
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8 Reasons to Replace Your Office Furniture

Has your business put off buying new furniture? Do you think it’s unnecessary or a waste of money? While office furniture may not be an obvious factor in productivity, it has a surprisingly large impact...
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Whether you are in the market for the perfect desk chair or are planning a large office remodel, Everett Office Furniture can help you with all your facility needs.