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5 Tips for Disinfecting Your Furniture

Disinfecting your furniture is a great way to protect yourself, your family, and any coworkers or customers you may be in contact with. In this guide, we’ve put together a list of safe ways to clean all your furniture, from wooden desks to your favorite cozy chair.

1. Clean Upholstery with Fabric-safe Disinfectants

With fabric-covered furniture, you have two choices: use a disinfectant spray or use soapy water together with a white vinegar solution.

If you have a favorite disinfectant spray, first ensure that it is labeled fabric-safe, then spray each part of your furniture thoroughly and allow it to dry. If you’re not sure that your spray is fabric-safe, spray a small and hidden spot on your furniture to see if there is a reaction.

If you choose to go with the soap-and-vinegar option, you will need two small buckets, two sponges, and a spray bottle in addition to mild soap and white vinegar. You can use this process to clean your upholstery:

  • Fill one bucket with a mixture of 1 tablespoon of soap (we like Dr. Bronner’s!) for every 2 cups of water and the other with cool water.
  • Dip a sponge in the sudsy water, drain it, and rub the bubbles into your furniture.
  • Follow the sudsy sponge with a sponge dipped in cool water.
  • Let your couch air dry.
  • Fill a spray bottle with half white vinegar and half cool tap water, then shake to mix. Spray this mixture on your furniture to disinfect it.

2. Use Different Cleaners for Wood

Wood furniture can also be cleaned with either commercial products or homemade solutions.

As with upholstered furniture, check that any disinfectant spray you have is safe for use on the furniture you intend to use it on. Some spray disinfectants are labeled as safe for wood surfaces, while others could cause damage.

If you don’t have a wood-safe disinfectant spray, you can make your own cleaning solution. Mix a solution of ½ cup vinegar, ¼ cup baking soda, 1 cup ammonia and 1 gallon of warm water in a bucket. Then apply the solution to your wood furniture with a damp towel. Don’t forget to remove the solution afterward by buffing with a clean cloth.

3. If you Want a Natural Alternative, Use Lemon

Lemon is a natural disinfectant that is kind to the environment. More specifically, you can add 15 drops of lemon essential oil to a spray bottle with equal parts water and white vinegar to create an effective, non-toxic disinfectant.

Lemon is a particularly good option for cleaning plastic furniture, including baby cribs, outdoor patio furniture, and some office chairs.

4. Add an Extra Round of Cleaning to Beat Rust on Metal

Metal furniture can be cleaned with the spray disinfectants, white vinegar solutions, or lemon cleaners we discussed above. However, you may want to add an extra layer of protection to fight rust.

Use kerosene or another rust-fighting substance to get rid of rust stains. Dip a steel wool pad in kerosene to scrub away rust until your furniture looks new. Then, wax your furniture to keep rust from coming back.

5. Let the Furniture Air Dry

You may be wondering how else you could dry your furniture, but it’s important to point out! If you sit on the furniture and use it while it is still damp, you could interfere with the cleaning process and raise the risk of developing mildew.

Drying is an important part of the disinfection process. Bacteria are more likely to spread on wet surfaces, including wet hands, than on dry surfaces. To keep everyone healthy, make sure to let your furniture dry completely.

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Everett Office Furniture specializes in high-quality new and repurposed office furniture. If you are in the market for a new home office or height-adjustable table, give us a call today.


Whether you are in the market for the perfect desk chair or are planning a large office remodel, Everett Office Furniture can help you with all your facility needs.